Petter: Self-appointed professor of practical creativity
Petter forgot about this
Stipends Grants
Petter: Student
Petter: Relapsing jazz pianist
This year Petter will go back to being a jazz pianist
The Original Trio is on a break
The drummer was kicked out of the band on stage during a concert
Petter: News junkie
Blocking news sites and facebook
Petter: Narcissist
Petter: Home decorator
Petter recently moved to a bigger room in his apartment
Petter: Observer
Petter saw some “authentic” people on a train
Petter: Nature boy
Petter: Loner
Petter tells us the story of his adventure in Vindelfjällen
The lasting effects of being alone in the wilderness
Social needs and loneliness
More lonely when alone in a big city than as the only human in a mile’s radius
The value of belongings
Petter: Creator
The Vindelfjällen experience has not directly inspired any creative works
Creative statement: Try to always approach things a new way
(Here Petter goes to dopeytown for a while)
Petter: Advisor
Jazz advice
Hiking advice
Professorial advice
Advice advice
Petter: Self-promoter
Petter: Professional podcaster
Talking in complete, or well, they can also be like the thing when you know I remember that time in the podcast when we were discussing something, I don’t know what, but that’s not the point, anyway, sentences
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